Lori Whitbey - B2B Content Marketer & SEO Copywriter

Hi, I’m Lori Whitbey.

I’ve been passionately committed to writing “TO” the target audience long before it was trendy. When my feet hit the floor in the morning, I’m thinking about what customers know, what they want to know and what they think.  As a strategic B2B copywriter, it’s the key to success: writing the right message, delivered at the right time, to the right screen.

I enjoy B2B content writing. Why? It’s harder, more complex. It offers the delightful opportunity to dig deeper. Decisions made in a B2B situation are often made by committee, involving a collection of personalities with diverse key reasons to buy.  Decisions are hard thought and take a long time. Done right – with content tailored to each personality and stage of consideration, strategic content marketing fosters an enthusiastic and long-standing relationship that stands the test of time.

I’m experienced in all media and am ready to tackle your B2B Copywriting needs!

SEO copywriting and content marketing solutions for all manufacturing and multi-faceted B2B companies.